Press Releases

The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) Preserving Paradise team advises the community and solid waste haulers that the Anguilla Landfill is closed due to slippery road conditions caused by heavy rains recently affecting St. Croix. 


The landfill closure has prevented the transfer of residential solid waste from the Peters’ Rest Convenience Center (PRCC) causing it to be at capacity, thus, unable to accept additional residential solid waste material and requiring its temporary closure.


In the interim, haulers are asked to hold waste until officially notified of the resumption of operations at the landfill.  Residents who utilize the Peter’s Rest Convenience Center can utilize the Mon Bijou bin site until notified of the reopening of PRCC through VIWMA public announcements.


The VIWMA Preserving Paradise team apologizes for the inconvenience and would like to thank the community for their continued patience and cooperation.


The VIWMA will continue to update the public.  Residents are reminded to contact the Authority at 340-712-4962 or 340-715-9500 with any questions or concerns.


For more information, contact the Office of Communications Management at 340-643-0410 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Also, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and/or Twitter.


(U.S. Virgin Islands) The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority, in accordance with CDC and Virgin Islands Department of Health recommendations to practice social distancing and avoid in-person contact, is requesting that all pending bid packages be submitted electronically.


The VIWMA recently issued bid packages for various projects and effective immediately all open solicitations shall be accepted via email only. The solicitations shall adhere to the previously established date and time as indicated on the respective advertisement.


Please forward the completed document to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and/or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Authority is taking these and other steps necessary to minimize community spread and ensure that our valued employees are protected from the transmittal of Covid-19. We thank the community for their understanding and cooperation as we face this medical threat together.

For more information, contact the VIWMA Office of Communications Management at 340-643-0410 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Also, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.


(U.S. Virgin Islands) The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA or Authority) advises the public that effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the Authority will restrict walk-in customers at its’ Demarara, Susannaberg and Estate Glynn offices on St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix respectively.  All customers, including those residing on Water Island, are urged to call or email requests or concerns and avoid in-person visitation to VIWMA offices and satellite locations.  These measures are being enacted to safeguard the public and our staff from potential exposure to the Coronavirus pandemic. This restriction will remain in place until further notice.


Members of the public requesting service provided by the VIWMA are urged to call our hot line at  844-962-8784, the St. Thomas/St. John main line at 340-715-9100, or the St. Croix main line at 340-712-4962 and/or e-mail requests to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   Service requests can be, but are not limited to, wastewater or solid waste issues, obtaining sewer permits, hauler permits, landfill operations, accounts payable, or any other VIWMA related service. 


The VIWMA is taking these and other steps necessary to minimize community spread and ensure that our valued employees are protected from the transmittal of Covid-19. We thank the community for their understanding and cooperation as we face this medical threat together.


For more information, contact the VIWMA Office of Communications Management at 340-513-4171 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Also, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.


(St. Thomas, USVI) – March 19, 2020 - The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) Preserving Paradise Team advises St. Thomas septage haulers and residents that the septage receiving area at the Mangrove Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Plant is closed through March 30, 2020.  



The temporary closure is required to perform repairs to the septage receiving areas.  The VIWMA apologizes for any inconvenience this temporary closure may cause and thanks the community for their patience and cooperation.



For more information, contact the Office of Communications Management at 340-643-0410 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Also, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and/or Twitter.


(US Virgin Islands) March 9, 2020 - The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (“VIWMA” or  “Authority”) continues to remind residents who own food preparation businesses that they must follow the law as it applies to the proper disposal of used cooking oil.  Additionally, car service establishments offering oil changes must also properly dispose of their waste oil.  VI Code Title 19 Chapter 56 § 1555 (e) and (b) states all businesses producing waste oil must employ an authorized permitted hauler to dispose of the used product. Violators are subject to a fine of not less than $1,000 and/or 180 days imprisonment.


It is against the law to dispose used commercial oil at public bin sites. The Authority is aware there are several businesses who violate the law by illegally disposing used oil at public bin sites under the cover of darkness.  The VIWMA continues to monitor this situation and will issue citations for illegal disposal and storage of used oil. We are urging the offending businesses to think about the negative effect your illegal actions are having on the local environment. This is our home, let’s all keep it clean!


To obtain a listing of permitted haulers, or to report illegal dumping call the VIWMA hotline at 844-WMA-USVI (844-962-8784).


For more information, contact the VIWMA Office of Communications Management at 340-513-4171 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Also, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and/or Twitter.



St. Croix (340) 712-4962

St. Thomas (340)715-9100

St. John (340)774-2141
