Press Releases

VIWMA Reaches Out to Haulers to Ensure Payment


(ST. CROIX, USVI) - The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) Preserving Paradise team would like to advise the haulers that provided regular and emergency solid waste hauling services during our hurricane recovery efforts, that the VIWMA will continue to pursue all avenues to make contact with vendors via telephone, email and/or request that vendors meet with VIWMA staff to assist them in obtaining the required supporting documentation to approve invoices expeditiously for payment.

For more information, contact our Solid Waste Division Managers or the Office of Communications Management at 340-513-4171 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The VIWMA Preserving Paradise team thanks you for your cooperation and patience.



03 20/18



(St. Thomas, VI) - The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) advises commercial solid waste haulers that the VIWMA is suspending implementation of the Commercial Solid Waste Tipping Fees until September 1, 2017 at the St. Croix Transfer Station, Bovoni Landfill and Susannaberg Transfer Station. 

During this time, the Authority will meet with all the Territory’s Haulers to address their concerns. 

For more information, contact the Office of Communications Management at 340-715-9188 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 


02 08/17

VIWMA Announces St. Croix Route Collection Change

(St. Croix, VI) - The VI Waste Management Authority advises the St. Croix community that the VIWMA contractor for Zone 3B, Bates Trucking, will be doing its collection scheduled for Friday, May 12th on Thursday, May 11 th .

VIWMA Apologizes for Bin Site Collection Delays


(St. Thomas, VI) - The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) advises the St. Thomas community that garbage collection in the following areas has been delayed due to mechanical failure of our collection truck:

Force Main Break At Lagoon Street

(St. Croix, VI) - The VI Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) advises St. Croix residents of a break in the Lagoon Street Pump force main. The break occurred on La Grange Road in the vicinity of Krystal Springs LLC.

The Authority’s Waste Water Team will begin work on the break at 1 p.m. today (March 23, 2017) and anticipates completion within the next 48 hours (Saturday, March 25, 2017).
